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Introducing Seymour Villa F.C.!


Local Youth Football Team - Proud to be in Penge

Seymour Villa was founded in 2001 by the late Martin King & his family in memory of a dear friend and promising young footballer 16 yr old Danny Wandangu, who Martin had previously managed. 

We work throughout the year to provide a point where all children can have fun and get some exercise.  Our teams learn not only the skills of football but sportsmanship, meeting and developing new friends and understanding the importance and responsibilities of their place in our community 


We are proud of what we have achieved over the years and hope that our family can move through life remembering with fondness their time with Seymour Villa F.C,   


Many of our team have continued to give back to the team as they progress into adulthood, working with those who were once their coaches to make a truly brilliant club and for that, we are truly grateful.


As a testament to the continual hard work of our family, in 2020 we were awarded the FA's Charter Standard Accreditation.



Charter Standard.jpeg

Our club is based out of Alexandra Recreation Ground, Alexandra Rd, London SE26 5ND. 


Home: Welcome

Parish News

Training and Match 1st Aid


As many of you are now aware, we take the safeguarding of all those who interact with the club as coaches, players, parents and visiting supporters very seriously. As such we have decided to ask all those valuable adults who we see as our extended family to be a part of the support if anything should go wrong.  Whilst incidents are few and far between we need to be prepared and would ask that everyone has taken the time to familiarise themselves with the documents currently circulating at training regarding what should happen in the event of a medical emergency that might require an ambulance for example.  This is in no way meant to put the burden on anyone specific but we feel a better solution is if we collectively take the responsibility for all those around us.  Please read the documents either at training, available by following the green ambulance link at the top of the site.  



We have been informed by the council that there has been a complaint regarding spectators blocking the footpaths when at both grounds.


Could we please ask that in the event that you need to use the footpaths we keep our footprint down to a minimum and be aware of pedestrians, cyclists and animals who may be approaching so that they can walk through unhindered.

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Alexandra Park Recreation Ground
Alexandra Road
SE26 5ND

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©2022 by Seymour Villa F.C..

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