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Working with our Neighbours

Can we remind all those connected to the club to be mindful that both Alexandra Recreation Ground and Cator Park are public spaces and are used by the whole community. Therefore please try to not block paths used by others - maintain a corridor so that others can pass. We as a club are very good at litter - I often see parents (and the occasional player) pick up litter as they are wondering around but if we can all keep our eyes out then it will help to maintain the parks. There are bins around the park but also inside the clubhouse.

Finally a plea to the drivers. We have been reminded by local residents that we are in a residential area and therefore must consider this when driving to/from the grounds and parking up. One specific mention is to people parking in the turning circle at the top of Alexandra Road. Parking here means the only way to turn is blocked and with cars parked both sides people must reverse all the way out and onto a busy road. It also will prevent emergency services access to the park. This will be communicated to opposition teams too.

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